Oak Grove Cemetery

Oak Grove Cemetery is located on the Southeast corner of Whitbeck and Dowling Streets.

Mailing Address:
8778 Ferry Street
Montague, MI 49437

Business Phone: 231-893-1155

» Click here for Cemetery Rates (PDF)
» Click here for the Cemetery Map (PDF)

For further info please contact:

Kelly Markley, City Clerk
231-893-1155  ext. 1755

Steve Lohman – Sexton

Graveside Decoration Regulations

(a) In addition to flowers, up to two decorations are allowed per gravesite. Flower arrangement that become unsightly may be disposed of by city personnel. All spring/summer graveside decorations must be removed by October 15 or they will be disposed of by city personnel. Winter decorations are allowed after November 15 and must be removed by April 1 or they will be disposed of by city personnel.

(b) The city is not responsible for damage to graveside decorations caused by weather conditions or wildlife. Graveside decorations deemed unsightly due to neglect or otherwise not in compliance with this ordinance, may be removed and disposed of by cemetery personnel.

(c) Flower urns should be constructed of stone, concrete or other durable material and must be in line with memorials. Empty flower urns, not filled with soil, will be inverted by cemetery personnel after October 15 and will be up-righted in the spring after winter weather conditions have subsided. Flowers urns which are cracked or filled with soil will be left in an upright position. Flower urns that are left empty for three consecutive years will be deemed vacated and removed by cemetery personnel.

(d) Decorations, flower vases or pots constructed of glass or ceramic material are prohibited. Decorations that are deemed to be hazardous for any reason will be removed by cemetery personnel.

(e) Planting of trees, shrubs, ground cover or perennial plants by anyone other than cemetery personnel is prohibited. Flower beds are permitted, but must stay within 12 inches of a memorial and must be maintained or they will be removed by city personnel when deemed unsightly.