How do I file for a Primary Residence Exemption?
Primary Residence Exemptions (formerly known as the Homestead Exemption) The cut-off date for Primary Residence Exemptions will be May 1. Therefore, any person buying and moving into a home on or after May 1 each year will pay the Non-Primary Residence millage rate for a full year unless a Primary Residence Exemption was in place for the previous owners. Any homeowner/resident that feels they are entitled to a Primary Residence Exemption and does not have one should contact City Hall as soon as possible. Credit for this exemption is retroactive up to three years with proof of ownership and residency.

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How often are the water meters read?
Water meters are read monthly. They used to be read only three times a year, but starting November 2009 the City began reading the meters monthly.

Can I have my Water Bill automatically withdrawn from my checking or savings account?
Yes. Print off and complete the Water Bill Automatic Payment (ACH) Sign-up Form (PDF), and return it to City Hall.

Can I “Go Green” and have my Water Bill sent to me via E-mail?
Yes. You can either print off and complete the “Paperless” Utility Bill Sign-up Form (PDF) and return it with your next payment or send an E-mail with the required information

When are the fire hydrants flushed?
The fire hydrants are flushed twice a year – April and October. A notice is published in the White Lake Beacon informing water users what days and times the hydrants will be flushed.

Water customers will notice changes to the water during flushing. Your pressure may be low in the area being flushed. Or, there may be temporary discoloration of water, which is due to the settling of rust in the water main. Run the cold water for about five minutes and this should clear up.

Try not to do laundry during the hours that hydrants are being flushed. If this happens, most grocery stores and hardware stores carry laundry aids which remove rust stains.

The water is safe to drink. If the water would be unsafe to drink for any reason, a boil water alert would be issued.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Steve Hammond, Public Works Director at 893-2235.

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How do I get rid of my yard waste? (leaves, brush & grass clippings)

Leaves & Grass Clippings
City residents may deposit grass clippings and leaves at the DPW yard located at the corner of Cook and Bowen Streets. The leaves and clippings must be removed from the bags, unless the bags are biodegradable.

Curbside pick-up of limbs and brush takes place on the first full week of April.  The City’s contracted service will be chipping normal yard waste and limbs. Brush must be placed close to the street and should not be over four feet in length or four inches in diameter. No stumps, building materials, leaves, or other debris will be collected.

Sorry… the DPW cannot collect brush deposited in alleys, nor trees or brush that was generated by a commercial trimming service. Residents that are clearing mature trees must also have their brush removed by a private company, as this City service is not for tree removal.

Limbs and brush must be placed out by the street no later than 7 AM on Monday morning of that first full week in April, as the DPW collection crew will make only one trip through town. Please do not put brush out by the road more than one week prior to pick-up.

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Where can I dispose of junk, trash, appliances & recyclables?
The City of Montague is a member of the White Lake Area Solid Waste Authority. City residents can dispose of rubbish, garbage, and recyclables. » Click Here for more info.

You can also Click Here to download the Muskegon County Recycling & Disposal Guide (PDF).

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